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Aktuellt datum och tid: lör 24-09-21 01:54

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Författare Meddelande
 Inläggsrubrik: Etanolfabrik i Zimbabwe
InläggPostat: fre 13-06-28 14:01 

Blev medlem: lör 06-12-23 09:31
Inlägg: 7134
Ort: Älvsjö

De gör det från lokalt producerat sockerrör.

A green future
Green Fuel is committed to investing in technologies that support the Ethanol Plant ‘green cycle’.
These technologies have the added benefit of power generation and supply, together with the production of end products such as high protein animal feed, energy briquettes and chipboard manufacturing.

Power Generation
An anaerobic digester is installed to create a dedicated bio-gas production process. Waste products from the factory - bagasse & vinasse – are recycled to improve energy efficiency and soil fertility respectively. The biogas is used in a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generator to increase the amount of power distributed to the national grid.

Anaerobic digestion is a series of processes in which microorganisms break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen. It is widely used as a renewable energy source because the process produces a methane and carbon dioxide rich biogas suitable for energy production.

The nutrient rich digestate produced through the anaerobic digester can be used as fertiliser or converted into energy briquettes and chipboard.

Stock Feed
By treating with steam and high pressure, sugar cane bagasse becomes a source of high protein stock feed.

Fusel Oil
Fusel oil is a side product of bio-ethanol distillation created by a mixture of higher alcohols and acids. The oil is used for the production of chemical compounds, cleansers, solvents, as a flammable agent and in the flavour and perfumery industries.

Refined Sugar
The industrial processing of sugarcane is done through an integrated production chain, which can be used for sugar production, ethanol processing and electricity generation.

De ska även erbjuda ombyggnadskit för bensinbilar ... icle&id=12

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