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InläggPostat: ons 09-08-12 01:44 

Blev medlem: mån 08-09-01 22:07
Inlägg: 300
Ort: Ukraine, Donetsk

there is no E85 fuel in Ukraine, so we using self-made ethanol or 92% ethanol from ethanol plants - it is cheap, about 0.35$/liter, becouse it is not filtered - there is "oils" and about 0.5% of methanol inside, but it works good :-)

some cars have 2 fuel tanks (UAZ) - gasoline for starting and warming.

other people using another cold start technologies :-)

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InläggPostat: ons 09-08-12 10:09 

Blev medlem: tor 08-09-25 23:06
Inlägg: 980
What kind of plants are you fermenting it form? It is indeed very cheap.

InläggPostat: ons 09-08-12 21:28 

Blev medlem: mån 08-09-01 22:07
Inlägg: 300
Ort: Ukraine, Donetsk

sugar factory using sugar beet to make sugar, and ethanol plants using sugar factory wastages - treacle or syrup - for making ethanol.

we not using hi quality food ethanol - but we are using the ethanol factory wastages - "first" or "head" fraction of ethanol - i am not sure that it is correct translation.

also some people using home-made ethanol for fuel.

InläggPostat: ons 09-09-09 10:36 

Blev medlem: mån 07-01-01 20:57
Inlägg: 6015
Ort: Hindås
Very nice to read!
Any possibilities to import waste-ethanol from Ukraina?

Myndigförklara dig själv.

InläggPostat: tor 09-09-10 13:47 

Blev medlem: mån 08-09-01 22:07
Inlägg: 300
Ort: Ukraine, Donetsk

i think it will be cheaper to produce your own ethanol at home.

not from sugar - it will be cost too much

not from wood - you will need a high temperature and pressure, and sulfuric acid - not for home use.

we have some advanced forums about home distilling - i can ask there about cheap recipe.

I know one man, who develops equipment for cheap and easy home distilling of fuel grade ethanol.


InläggPostat: fre 09-12-11 15:28 

Blev medlem: ons 07-10-10 17:33
Inlägg: 86
Ort: Tallinn, ESTONIA
Hi karlmb and Obormot (Andrei)!

I think what Obormot wanted to say is their ethanol factories use sugar production by product molasses as feedstock.

It is not so easy import ethanol outside EU. There are heavy import duties to guard EU market. I know Sweden has some special deals with EU about Brazilian origin fuel ethanol import (lower import taxes).

I have been trying to grow different fuel ethanol feedstock crops here in Estonia. The most promising here (i think in other Nordic countries) are sugar beets and Jerusalem Artichokes (Helianthus tuberosus L.). I think in Swedish the last one is something like Jordskök. Few years ago when I played with sugar beets the biggest problem was weed control. At the moment this problem is basically gone with Roundup Ready sugar beet varieties. Unfortunately according my current information those varieties are only available in USA.

JA is very high photosynthesis plant which means it gets most from sun and CO2 in air. I have tried different varieties and this year average yield was 60-70 tons of tubers ha. The main carbohydrate in tubers is fructose polysaccharide called inulin. It is not so easy to process as simple sugars or starch. I have been using acid hydrolysis to brake inulin chains to fructose.

By the way Obormot I have seen at your forum discussion about Genencor no cook starch enzyme complex called Stargen. This enzyme complex works at fermentation temperature and Stargen 001 is for corn based mash and Stargen 002 is for other grain based mashes. Works grate and no cooking needed. Have tried it few times.

InläggPostat: fre 09-12-11 17:12 

Blev medlem: lör 06-12-23 09:31
Inlägg: 7134
Ort: Älvsjö
Hi Ahto,

Very intresting post :-)

I would not recommend (GMO) roundup ready sugar beets that sounds like an unecological way to produce ethanol and will not be regarded as a sustainable fuel.

Here in Sweden there is a ethanol factory that wheat that has not reached the quality neccesary for human consumption, see ... enFrameSet

But the plan to use Jerusalem Artichokes sound very intresting as they seem to grow very well on bad soils too.


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InläggPostat: fre 09-12-11 17:34 

Blev medlem: lör 06-12-23 09:31
Inlägg: 7134
Ort: Älvsjö
Did you see this? ... 484bc338ca


In several European countries, fructose and fructose-rich syrups are presently produced from starch as isoglucose or directly from chicory roots as inuline syrup. Other promising crops for this production seem to be the Jerusalem artichoke, particularly for southern European countries, and cereals of C3 type. During the growing cycle of the Jerusalem artichoke, fructose polymers are accumulated in the stalks up to the late phase of flowering and they are then transferred and stored in the tubers. The Jerusalem artichoke can also be used as a perennial sugar crop by only harvesting the stalks for many years around the flowering time before the carbohydrate translocation to the tubers occurs.

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InläggPostat: lör 09-12-12 00:03 

Blev medlem: mån 08-09-01 22:07
Inlägg: 300
Ort: Ukraine, Donetsk
on our forum there is a member, who developing equipment for producing fuel grade 95-96% ethanol.

equipment is not very big and will cost not too much - for farmers or for transport enterprises in сountryside, who want to have their own fuel.

he told, that cheapes ethanol can be made from feed wheat of very low class (for feedeng animals, not for human food) - it is very cheap and contains many starch.

approximate cost of 96% fuel-grade bioethanol is about 0.25 - 0.45 $/liter.

InläggPostat: lör 09-12-12 00:22 

Blev medlem: ons 07-10-10 17:33
Inlägg: 86
Ort: Tallinn, ESTONIA
I have read his postings! He forgets that electricity is most expensive form of energy. Here in Estonia kWh costs about 0,1 USD. I think in Sweden it is even more expensive. According to his calculations the electricity input to produce 1 l of fuel grade ethanol is 3 kWh. This is fare too much. Also I understand his equipment uses multi stage distilling. The most energy efficient way to distill is single stage setup where you get 94..95% ethanol directly from 10...15% beer.
I know fellow from USA who sells continuous distillation equipment with capacity 4 l/h and less than 1 kWh/l energy (electricity) input.

InläggPostat: lör 09-12-12 00:32 

Blev medlem: mån 08-09-01 22:07
Inlägg: 300
Ort: Ukraine, Donetsk
i think better use burning of natural gas for distillation - it is much cheaper than electric enegry. or wooden pellets for example.

in Ukraine 1 KW/h costs for private persons 0.0225 - 0.09 $, depends of place (city or countryside) and some other parameters.

PS but if you want to use 3-zone price plan, from 23-00 till 6-00 price will be only 30% from your normal price.

InläggPostat: lör 09-12-12 01:07 

Blev medlem: lör 06-12-23 09:31
Inlägg: 7134
Ort: Älvsjö
The swedish plant uses similar low class wheat for feedeng animals, not for human food, from the rests proteine rich animal food cakes are made.

The heat for distilling is coming from steam from a nearby bio-energy (wood) powered electricity plant.

On a smaller scale I think wood pellets are a good choice, it would also be intresting to use solar energy, vacuum tube solar panels can easily reach temperatures well above 100°C (under pressure).


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